Kipsi Martini
A seriously sippable gin laced cocktail featuring Kipsi Rosé Gin in perfect harmony with Grenadine, Raspberry Syrup and Lime.
To create this serve, you’ll need:
– A Martini Glass
– Ice
– Kipsi Rosé Gin
– Grenadine
– Raspberry Syrup
– Elderflower Tonic
– Mixing Glass
– Lime
1. Add 50ml Kipsi Rosé Gin, 15ml Lime Juice, 15ml of Grenadine and 15ml of raspberry syrup to your mixing glass along with a handful of ice cubes.
2. Stir gentle for around 20 seconds until perfectly chilled and then strain into your favourite martini glass.
3. Top up with a splash of elderflower tonic and elevate this serve by adding a garnish of fresh lime.