Kipsi Martini

A seriously sippable gin laced cocktail featuring  Kipsi Rosé Gin in perfect harmony with Grenadine, Raspberry Syrup and Lime.

To create this serve, you’ll need:

– A Martini Glass
– Ice
– Kipsi Rosé Gin
– Grenadine
– Raspberry Syrup
– Elderflower Tonic 
– Mixing Glass
– Lime

1. Add 50ml Kipsi Rosé Gin, 15ml Lime Juice, 15ml of Grenadine and 15ml of raspberry syrup to your mixing glass along with a handful of ice cubes.
2. Stir gentle for around 20 seconds until perfectly chilled and then strain into your favourite martini glass.
3. Top up with a splash of elderflower tonic and elevate this serve by adding a garnish of fresh lime.

Buy Kipsi Rosé Gin

“Made famous during the 1990’s, Neo-Martinis were particularly fashionable in London and New York, where they helped spearhead the cocktail renaissance”


We are reinstating the tradition of Maidstone pioneer and master distiller, George Bishop, who created quality and world-renowned spirits from our county town back in 1785. We are reclaiming our forgotten heritage to produce spirits of depth, meaning and character that we can all be proud of. He was a champion of the people and it’s time for his legacy to be tasted again.